by Yeong Wai Teck (Singapore – West Coast)
I used to work for a German multinational supply quality building materials for repairs of buildings. I taught and trained repairs contractors to apply my materials in Singapore & Malaysia.
I was also given the opportunity to work with repairs contractors from United States & Europe. These contractors were very specialised. They also delivered quality work and took pride in whatever they would be doing as compared to our local contractors! I have tried to influence my contractors to improve their standards of work through training and the correct mentality but they were more interested in making quick money and compromising standards.
In 2002, I decided to start a contracting firm. Emphasis on quality and good standard of works has thus become the main objective of the company. My unique selling point is that the company will deliver high quality works consistently. This will also indirectly pressurise the competitive contractors to improve their standards so that they are able to keep up my company.
Though 2002 was a difficult year for the construction industries, my company however did reasonably well. I believe this was due to the number of customers, blue chip firms – Wyeth Nutritional, Pfizer Pharmaceutical and Norvatis which strongly believe in paying for quality of work.
My company grew from a 2-men operation team to the current headcount of 35. We have since attained ISO9001 in 2007. We are now preparing the frame work for ISO14001 & ISO18001, expected to be accredited by end July 2009.
In line with improving standards of work, I have sent the supervisors to courses to upgrade themselves. The company also encourages the management staff to take up part time upgrading course. Currently, the operation manager is in the 3rd and final year of University Of London (UOL) management program leading to a bachelor of science degree in business.
My belief in quality and standard of work have spurred me on to further my studies in the Spring sponsored “TEN” program leading to a master degree. This program has widen my view and influenced me greatly in how I can lead the company for the next 5 years. Let us hope ‘Quality and standards of work should always be maintained!’ no matter how less developed the industry is.