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Student Feedback
May 27, 2020

Technological Entrepreneurship: Reflections and Lessons Learnt

by Justin Choo (Singapore) It was a matter of feeling both thrilled and skeptical when I stumbled upon a course entitled Technological Entrepreneurship during the…
May 27, 2020 in Student Feedback

I Have Never Been More Hopeful

by Lim Wei Zhong (Singapore) Team behind FoodEx One slimming company advertises that a lady can ‘shape up to desirable curves’ in 2 weeks; one…
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May 27, 2020 in Student Feedback

Talk the talk, walk the walk

by David Seow (Singapore) When i was first nudged to join the class with a few friends, i was quite apprehensive thinking that this class…
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May 27, 2020 in Student Feedback

The league of extraordinary gentlemen and women

by Paul Ong I stumbled into class at 8.15am. Early, but that’s how it should be on the first lesson of a new class. I…
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May 27, 2020 in Student Feedback

Turning Your Dreams Into Reality

by Lim Tianyi (Singapore) While thinking of which courses to take for my final semester in SMU, I heard from my friends that Technological Entrepreneurship…
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May 27, 2020 in Student Feedback

Focus Amidst Distractions & Commitments

by Chua Ern Kiang (Singapore) The main thing I learnt during my TE class was to have focus in what I’m doing. Being an entrepreneur…
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May 27, 2020 in Student Feedback

Entrepreneurship (Chapter 1)

by Eric Lim (Singapore) This module is one of the most practical modules in SMU. I remember on the first day I entered into class,…
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May 27, 2020 in Student Feedback

An Unusual Learning Experience

by Chan Jian Hong (Singapore) Before I attended class for this module, I’ve tried several businesses before but none was really successful. Never had I…
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May 27, 2020 in Student Feedback


by Patrick, Alvin, Jia Liang, Vishal, Martin, Wesley, Kim, Igor(Singapore (Philippines, Germany, Sweden, Ukraine) Company Description GoRecipes is a food delivery website with a major…
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May 27, 2020 in Student Feedback


by Wong Wei Min, Siah Hwei Ting, Alvin Ong, Lionel Koh, Shannon Teo, Agoston, Adrian Teo (Singapore) Have you ever wondered where to get…
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May 27, 2020 in Student Feedback

by Lin Jun Jie Larry | Akash Gurung | Toh Yong Yeow| John Goh Ho Yee (Singapore) Being potential groom wannabes, we at understand…
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May 27, 2020 in Student Feedback


Outsource Market Research Looking for a thousand responses for a fashion survey? Need some ideas on mystery shopping? Outsource market research processes by leveraging our…
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May 27, 2020 in Student Feedback

Team Building Companion by Linkedup

by Casandra See, Lu Jia Ying, Chung Wan Ching, Rachel Kwan, Edmund Goh, Kwan Loong Wye, Aaron Sng (Singapore) Team Building Companion (TBC) is developed…
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May 27, 2020 in Student Feedback


by Eugenia Goh, Lionel Chia, Kenneth Koh, Ooi Kang Sheng, Randy Teo, Tay Ke Hui, Wang En Jian TravelSafe aims to provide a peace…
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May 27, 2020 in Student Feedback


by Diana Teo, Charles Lesmana, Siti Muzalifa, Yvonne Low, Stefanie Tung, Ajay Halwasiya (Singapore) Named after the Grade Point Average (GPA) System in Singapore…
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May 27, 2020 in Student Feedback


by Amelia Ristiyana, Albert Ng, Dennis Laurentius, Iwan Sugiarto, Marselia Tan, Michelle Chua (Singapore, Singapore) It’s been a whirlwind journey for us, taking Entrepreneurship and…
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May 27, 2020 in Student Feedback


by Stanley Tan, Clara Tan, Gavin Chian, Stella Ng, Gary Kwon, Joanne Lim, Wendy Neo (Singapore) As the pace of living increases over the…
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May 27, 2020 in Student Feedback


by Bharath, Judy, Huilan, Mayank, Thanh, Thomas Strictly Kids provides low and middle income parents an avenue to buy and sell quality pre-owned toys for…
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May 27, 2020 in Student Feedback


by Cedric Ng, Pearlicia Chan, Lo Chuan Jian, Daphne Ho, Amanda Beh, Harini People need photographs to capture the special moments of their lives. With…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

Undergraduate Businesses

Businesses That Started in the Undergraduate Classes This is an entrepreneur showcase for my current and former students. I hope it will serve as an…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

Pop Art Inc. ? Lee Wan Yi

by Lee Wan Yi (Singapore) Technological entrepreneurship, what a mouthful! Truth be told, the very word 'technological' was a term already considered too technical for…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

Vincent LAI – The Joy of Entrepreneurship

by VINCENT LAI (Tel Aviv, Israel) There is a joy in me when I see fellow entrepreneurs enjoying growing their baby. =) To me, entrepreneurship…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

Much more than just a course requirement

by Jessica I initially planned to take this course solely to clear my Technological and Entrepreneurial course requirements. However, this journey turned out to be…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

A different learning journey

by Jolene Cheong (Singapore) I chanced upon this course because I had to clear my T&E module. I had no idea what this course is…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

Entrepreneurial Reflections

by Geh Si Wei (Singapore) How time flies. It seemed like just yesterday I enrolled in this entrepreneurship class with little expectation. Now 13 weeks…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

Peek Behind the Scenes – Mingjie

by Ng Mingjie The newspapers only publish entrepreneurs who have succeeded in life. But for each successful entrepreneur, there are probably ten or more other…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

Ng Man Hon Michael

by Michael Ng (Singapore) It is hard to believe that 12 weeks of this module has come and gone. It really seems like yesterday when…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

Pop Art Inc. could be the next big thing!

by Priscila Lin (Singapore) "Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art. Making money is art and working is art and good…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

my baby steps – Marilyn

by Marilyn Ong (Singapore Management University) My name is Marilyn Ong, a third year undergraduate from the Singapore Management University (SMU). I started the business…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

Proving Myself Wrong

by Kenny Tan (Singapore) When I was very much younger, my Mum used to say that I will be the only one in the family…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

Tan Weiting Janice

by Tan Weiting Janice (Singapore) Unlike most people in Singapore, I was brought up to think that being a businessman is the way to go.…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

Gordon Lee

by Gordon Lee (Singapore) Could this be the final journal that I write for Prof Lim? After 4 battle-hardened years and 13 journal entries under…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

Leonard Ng

by Leonard (Singapore) Pop Art Inc was something I bore a passion for when I first moved house back in November 2009. I had noticed…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

Keshia De Vries

by Keshia De Vries (Singapore) Recipe for Starting a Devilishly Chocolate-y Business Ingredients 2 cups PERSEVERANCE1 1/2 tablespoons *THICK SKIN6 tablespoons *GUTS2 1/2 teaspoons OPTIMISM3/4…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

Changing the World..One Way or Other

by Dennis Chong Yup, that's me doing what I love to do best: cycling, running, swimming, multi-sports. I don't really belong to the conventional stereotypical…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

Fink / Adriel

by Adriel Cheng What I enjoyed about the course are as follows:1) The informal learning atmosphere where inputs from everyone are relative spontaneous and are…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

A Mindset Changed

by Jacqueline Sitorus (Singapore) I have always wanted to graduate, get a good job with decent pay, and live a good life climbing the corporate…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

My Learning Journey Elvin Ong

by Elvin Ong (Singapore) Entrepreneurship has been some thing very close to my heart for a long time. It started out with a simple biography…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

by Sng Wei Zhuang Steve (Singapore) I’m quite disappointed with myself... I didn’t work on my own business idea for the project (which is why…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

Have conviction; Do what you believe in and believe in what you do

by Sudeshna Dutt I must say that this module has by far been one of the most interesting modules I have ever taken in SMU…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

Legacy or Currency?

by MOK WEI-MING PERRY (Singapore) We began this course with great expectations, expectations to learn the ropes and walk this treacherous path of entrepreneurship. Technological…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

A FiNK-ing Learning Experience as an Entrepreneur

by Ashley Liew (Singapore) Winning my age-group at the Singapore Ironman 70.3 2010 The story my journey into this course began in 2008. As part…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

Mariyam Shaguftha Shareef – Journey to look back with a smile

Mariyam Shaguftha Shareef (Maldives) With a carefree attitude and smile on my face, I embarked on this journey of Technological entrepreneurship thinking that it would…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

Melissa Ong – A Lovely Chore

by Melissa Ong (SGP) To be honest, I took this module up after finding out that it does not consist of a final exam. I…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

Clement WONG

by Clement Wong Zhi Kang (Singapore) I came to this class with a few objectives: 1) Meet awesome people to connect with2) To nurture the…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

The Reality of Entrepreneurship – OurArtWorkZ

by Eric Zhang (Singapore) I first attended the class and formed a group with a few members in the class. When I was briefed…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

The Learning Journey

by Jeremy Ching (Singapore) When I first stepped into my first Technological Entrepreneurship class, I was pretty much unsure of what to expect from the…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

My Entrepreneurial background

by Andrea Di Fiore (Singapore) Deep thinker 😀 Since I was a little kid I have always had the passion for business. Everything started when…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

A one-of-a-kind journey

by Grace Ng (SMU) The saying goes - “The most valuable thing you can make is a mistake - you can't learn anything from being…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

Why not?

by Ho Jia Qing The first thing that came into my mind when I saw the course "Technological Entrepreneurship" was: how does one learn entrepreneurship?…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

If there were dreams to sell, what would you buy?

Some entrepreneurs I know started their entrepreneurial journey from as young as 10 years old. I was not one of them. Growing up, I never…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

Dream+Passion+Belief = Success!

by Ahmad Mutammim (Singapore) This journal is written to recap the journey I have gone through in my Technological Entrepreneurship class. It is by far…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

My Entrepreneurial Journey

by Shawn Ho Yuan Sheng (Singapore) Hi, my name is Shawn and I would like to use this opportunity to offer my 2 cents worth…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

Putting on the lens of a young entrepreneur

by Vincent Ng Say Ho (SMU (Singapore) When I first signed up for the module Technological Entrepreneurship I was told by my friend who had…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

Entrepreneurship is a lonely journey until u found ‘the one’ for u…

by Tan Suat Ting Jane (SMU) I'm not referring to your bf/gf but lovers in partnering with you in the business. Mr Udders (Mr. David…
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May 26, 2020 in Student Feedback

My first homepage

by Johan (Sweden) When I was younger I always looked at people creating their own business and lived happy and free. Somehow they always seemed…
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May 22, 2020 in Student Feedback

Online Retail in Singapore? Zuunbo?

by Lim Kok Yeow Daniel My entrepreneurship journey started once I entered university in earnest. After dabbling into distribution of toys, setting up a tuition…
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May 22, 2020 in Student Feedback

Learning from the expert

by Ben Ho (Singapore) Looking back on the past 13 weeks of this course (MGMT 324: Technical Entrepreneurship), I cannot think of any other course in…
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May 22, 2020 in Student Feedback

Building a Business

by Jolyn Chua (Singapore) Only actions can get our business plan going.Never leave out the financials or think that it is unimportant.Ensure that the key…
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May 22, 2020 in Student Feedback

Entrepreneurship Journey – The Beginning

by Tai Xiao Fang I have indeed learnt a lot in Prof Pamela Lim's Technological Entrepreneurship Opportunity Identification class. Prior to this, setting up a business and entrepreneurship…
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May 22, 2020 in Student Feedback

The Chocolates and Wasabi of Entrepreneurship

by chium yuet ching (smu) I took professor pamela's technopreneurship class, and our group started an online charity which is starting to operate. In the process of starting…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

Flitch mobile app ProductFlitch is a mobile application platform that allows fashion consumers and merchants to satisfy their fashion related needs and wants. Market Opportunity Fashion consumersAt…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

LabExpress – Wellness on the go

by Shreeya, Shermaine, Xue Yin, Fabian, Lydia, Thanh, Loius(Singapore) The whole idea began with 7 students from Singapore Management University. We share our ideas of…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

Quintessential Cosmetics

by Chee Wen Qi, Div Teng, Eddy Lim, Grace Chan, Li Qiqian, Loy Zhen Yi, Terrence Chua (Singapore) Quintessential Cosmetics, also known as 黃金比例…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback


Cliqure was formed serendipitously when the eight of us bidded for TE mod in Jan 2013. We all came into the class with different backgrounds…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback


Elastic is an electronic last minute ticketing online market place that specializes in the resale of ticketed events in Singapore. Think of Elastic as the…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

Beauty Bank

by Alnishyia, Aashna, Jinyu, Devana, Zongyi, Stephanie, Suhailah, Vasudha, Delia We are currently living in a multi-ethnic, multicultural society of all skin types, hair types,…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback


by Ang Weizheng, Benjamin Liew, Cherie Neo, Gerald Han, Muhammad Ismail, Reanne Lim, Sam Yong, Weng Lu,(SMU) We started out as a group of individuals…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

A Couple of Us

by Li Chun Leung (Singapore) You can view our teaser in PDF at this link:
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

the bake box

by Amanda, Deepa, Ryan, Raman, Teri, Ann, Raymond (Singapore) "What should I give my girlfriend for her birthday?" asked one of the clueless guys in…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

Frankly Speaking

by Frankly Speaking LLP (Singapore) Amongst the 5 schools in Singapore Management University (SMU), the only school that lacks a food stall is the Lee…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback


by Jonathan Lim, Rowell Soon, Shaun Kumar , Nguyen Kim Ngan Ha, Vishal Ramesh Uttamchandani, Joel Tan (Singapore) Background:LazyChef is a company that seeks to…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback


by EBC G2 Group 6 Unwined harnesses a new packaging concept for single serve, ready-to-drink wine. Its four key ingredients for success are top quality…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

EBC-2011/12Term2- eXintel

by Joash Yeo, Li Zhiwei, Loo Jing Yi, Michelle Quek, Liu JunHao eXintel is a Business-Intelligence (BI) solutions and consulting company, aiming to meet daily…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback


First and foremost... “We are not your usual retailing firm”uBox is a locker rental service for budding entrepreneurs to convert a space in our shop…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

Plato’s Cave

Beginners say: “I want to learn how to dance, but it is so expensive!”Semi-professionals say: “I have won many awards as a dancer, but I…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback


by Cherine Ng, Eddy Goh, Eugene Chin, Haja Mohaideen, Jayen Chua, Sher Han (Singapore) From the moment we formed the group, we tried to come…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback


Local artistes in Singapore rarely get the chance to showcase their skills. It’s not that they aren’t talented, it’s just that they don’t have the…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

The Needle and Thread

by Coco Mercy Chu (Singapore) Discover how you can play a part in being environmentally friendly while uniquely fashionable at the same time! (See picture…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback


by Andre Tanzil, Goh Ze Hui, Shereen Woo, Jane Tan, Marilyn Lim, Ringo Tan, Chelsea Tan, Sim Xiu Wan "I'm sick of eating the same…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

The Hoh Story

by (Da West Side) In my current state of affairs I don’t have much (work) experience to showcase, only for my NS days as…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

Serendipity, Wave surfers and an Epitaph

by Anol (Singapore) Collage of a journey to find meaning I am Anol, running a company named GetIT for last 6+ years as a CEO,…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

The story of Chinese wife (Latest Edition)

by Ong (Singapore) My name is Serene Ong Tee Yuh, the meaning of Serene is “Peace”, a name given to me since my poly days…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

Improving the standard of work – Yeong Wai Teck

by Yeong Wai Teck (Singapore - West Coast) I used to work for a German multinational supply quality building materials for repairs of buildings. I…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

A decade old journey

by Susan (Singapore) The first real venture started nearly a decade ago, I was 24 then. So you can imagine how much 'younger' am I…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

At the Crossroad

by Ong C S (Singapore) My first limited start-up experience happened in my final year of my varsity life when I setup a partnership together…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

Never Give Up !

Since young, I am inspired by my dad. He is an entrepreneur, and he owns an air condition company. At the age of 10, I…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

UniSim Technology Entrepreneurship Executive Masters

by Ong C S Gabriel (Singapore) This module which is about Managing Joint Ventures, Strategic Alliances and Technological Collaborations is one of the best module…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

Be Brilliant not Astute

by Ng Lee Huat Jason (Singapore) Hi I am Jason Ng, a middle aged businessman running a small business firm in precision engineering. I accidentally…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

Chapter 1: Design’preneurship

by CHARLES CHA (Singapore) This is the opening sentence of my business plan executive summary and it will be the aspiration and endeavour towards my…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

Start-up Stories

by Ng Lee Peng (Singapore) I shall share 2 short stories on 2 of my friends who started their businesses with zero or minimal start-up…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

Back to basics

by Hersheys (Singapore) Recently, I am reading this book 'The Toyota Way' and would like to share one important message I learnt from it. I…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

Accidental Farmer – An ongoing Entrepreneur Journey (albridged)

by Lim Hong Zhuang (Singapore) I've been asked to share this for sometime and well, some folks might know i've been on the roads up…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

Start, Move Up – Vincent Lai

by Vincent Lai (Singapore) My name is Vincent and I am from SMU. I converted from a student to an entrepreneur, because something amazing happened…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

How Entrepreneurship is just like Shopping – Spree Republic

by Ngeow Shang Lin (Singapore) You know the feeling you get when you walk past a store and you spot something you like , only…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

We Are Super Heroes in Our Own Rights.

by Don Tan (Singapore) When people think of Super Heroes, we imagine individuals with super natural powers; able to fly, equipped with super human strength,…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

Starting up in just 13 weeks!

by Quek Soo Teng (Singapore) Reflections… If you think that my title is kidding then you are wrong! Everyone in class has really done it.…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

Hitting the right spot with Talentsport

by Ben Pua (Singapore) "A business idea never hits the spot the first time around." That was my biggest take away from this short and concise…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

A 13 week Entrepreneur.

by Kriti Mishra (Singapore) Entrepreneurship is a challenge. 13 weeks ago, reading the course outline for Prof. Pamela Lim’s course I would not have imagined that…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

Going up the Entrepreneurship Learning Curve

by Alan Phua (Singapore) First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Alan Phua and I'm 25 this year. I've had some small…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

Valuable Lessons learnt from T&E ( Reema)

My two years of experience in Singapore Management University had always given me the impression that courses are just confined to project work, class participation, assignments and…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

Lessons learnt from Technological Entrepreneurship module

by Sam Yong Zhi (Singapore) Probably one of the most important lessons that I have learnt from this class is that, I should consciously make…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

Who Says Entrepreneurship Cannot Be Taught?

by David Lin Imagine being a month away from graduation and yet having no sign of getting a job. That's exactly what many of us students…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

My Entrepreneurhsip Journey

by Terence Sim (SMU 4th year) When I enrolled for Technological Entrepreneurship course, all I had in my mind was to learn how to identify…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

Entrepreneurship with a Mission

by Claire (Singapore) Ask me whether I would be a entrepreneur 2 years ago and I bet you would get a stern "No!" from me.…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

Into the unknown

by Leong Jia Yong (Singapore) It started off with an idea about bikes, then it was an idea about laptops. Then it was something else…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

My T&E Experience

by Ambrose Anthuvan (Singapore) The past twelve weeks have really gone by in the blink of an eye. Now, as I think about the course…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

My Journey

by Soh Han Chong Andy (Singapore Management University) My name is Andy Soh a third year student from Singapore Management University (SMU). My first inspiration…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

Feng Yi’s Final Journal

Technological Entrepreneurship: Opportunity Identification is unlike any other class that I have attended in the course of my four-year study in SMU. Initially I was shocked…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

Winston’s Entrepreneurial Journey

by Winston Lim (Singapore) My entrepreneurial journey began when I was only 19. At that time, I met a group of friends who shared…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

Technology and Entrepreneurship: Thoughts on Prof Pamela’s Class

by Dawn Liu (Singapore) When I signed up for this course, I don't think I really knew just what I was getting into. I had…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

My entrepreneurship journey

by Daniel Kwek (Singapore, SMU) The lessons I have taken away from my Technological Entrepreneurship module covers both technical / academic knowledge, as well as Business…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

The Best Way to Learn is to Jump into the Deep End

by Alan NG (SMU Singapore) Deep end is where the treasure is... The course outline for investors stated in my Technological Entrepreneuship (TE) course was…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

10 ways to become a millionaire by 30!

by Yihan (Singapore) Okay, not really. But that's the dream and the potential of every entrepreneur. Without a cap to their income, it is possible…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

From laptop seller to the laying the foundations of an online community

by Melvin (SMU) I think I share similar thoughts as alot of other people when I realized that this course expected us to setup our own business.…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

The Unexpected Ride

by Rachel Ma (Singapore)by To be honest, I never, never saw myself as an entrepreneur. In a sense I never saw what was coming for…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

Learning lessons and the first step towards entrepreneurship

by Preston Phua Aik Khoon (Singapore, SMU) I have learnt invaluable lessons from the 13 weeks spent in MGMT324 class. Most importantly, I have taken the first…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

An Exchange Students Thoughts

by Camilla Wengholm (Singapore/Sweden) I think I have had a very different journey compared to my classmates in the Technological Entrepreneurship class at SMU. One of the popular…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

Minding My Own Business

by Elizabeth Ng (Singapore) These days, everyone is going to business school. “Management”, “Communications”, “Advertising”, and even “Human resource” have all become breezy catchphrases that…
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May 21, 2020 in Student Feedback

A memorable journey that changed the way I view my life

by Kim Zhang (Singapore Management University) When I was younger, I’ve always harbored the dream of setting up my own business, maybe a bakery, café…
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May 20, 2020 in Student Feedback

Entrepreneur For A Semester

Starting up and running a business is difficult and tiring. It does not matter if it is for just one semester. Nevertheless, the rewards are…
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May 20, 2020 in Student Feedback


TickBucket Teaser The past thirteen weeks in EBC class have been very memorable and enjoyable for our team. It has been a rewarding and fulfilling…
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May 20, 2020 in Student Feedback

Tea by Blank

by Jiaming, Syaz, Maryam, James, Marisa, Thomas, Darren, Serena, Koi, Baona (Singapore) The story of how it all began started with a mix of chance…
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May 9, 2020 in Student Feedback

Personality Test

PERSONAL STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES WORKSHEET The chart in the link here will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and will give you a better…
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May 9, 2020 in Student Feedback

My Entrepreneur Friends

Network and friends are invaluable for everyone, especially entrepreneurs. Without friends, the journey is lonely, the struggle unworthy. Every semester, my students and I invite…
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May 9, 2020 in Student Feedback

STUDENTS Entrepreneur Showcase

Students who just plucked up courage and started their businesses The content you will see here is a entrepreneur showcase for my current and former…
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May 9, 2020 in Student Feedback, Students, Testimonials


An inspiring Entrepreneur, a great teacher and now a great personal mentor. Prof Pamela Lim has done more than her job at SMU by going…
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May 3, 2020 in Student Feedback

Entrepreneur Guest Seminar, Spring 2013

Nanz Chong-Komo, Patrick Liew and Darren Ho, all showed us that we can fail. They showed that we can learn from the mistakes and start…
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May 3, 2020 in Student Feedback

Pamela Lim

Mother, Entrepreneur, University Lecturer Thank you for wanting to know a bit more about me! My name is Pamela Lim. That was a well-known name…
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June 20, 2019 in Student Feedback

Student Case Studies 2019

1 Submitted 2019-09-22 09:37:42-04By: Leon Foo, TITLE: Fowen Future ENTERED TEXT: The idea for Fowen Future came about using my chinese name , Fowen is…
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May 28, 2014 in Student Feedback


by By Kwang Sheng The way I structure my journal is largely in chronological order. I will be writing my reflections throughout my entrepreneurship journey.…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback

An inspired entrepreneurship to be.

by Sharon Yeo (Singapore) My initial mentality of the course was a get-it-over-and-done-with; after all it is merely a requirement of my school syllabus. Like…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback

My Journey – They will see us waving from such great heights; “come down now!”, they’ll say…

by Elvin Seah (Singapore) Will you dare to walk this road? Extract from The Postal Service - Such Great Heights They will see us waving…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback

The end is just the beginning.

by Goh Yuping (Singapore) The main reason why I took on technological entrepreneurship is because I want something more practical and out of the textbook,…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback

The accidental entrepreneur?

by Lee Keng Yin (Singapore) The Team! I wasn't sure whether I wanted to be an entrepreneur or not, coming into this class. I still…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback

A wonderful switch

by Li Lizhen (Library (where else) I still remember it was week 2, thursday, 12noon. I met Prof Pamela Lim at CIT and we were…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback

If entrepreneurship was so easy

by Benjamin Koh When people talk about entrepreneurship, the things that often come to mind are the riches and fame that are associated with it.…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback

A Roomful of Budding Entrepreneurs

by Toh Yue Lin (Singapore) Time seemed to have crawled by during the first several weeks of the course, but after the midterm break, it…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback


by Marco Nicita (Singapore) Looking back at my life, I had the first taste of being an entrepreneur when I was 9 years old. At…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback

The F.U.N of Entrepreneurship

by Candice Ee (Singapore) In my final reflection, I would like to share my 3 key takeaways from this module: (F)ocus; be (U)understanding, (N)ever say…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback

A Learning Journey Without Boundaries

by Derek Choo Tze Hai (Singapore) “The World is Your Campus.” This SMU advertisement tagline was proven right in Prof. Pamela Lim’s Technological Entrepreneurship course.…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback

The Journey is the Reward!

by S.U. Chae (Singapore) Climbing the Mount Everest is a tough and an enduring journey. On the way you will face a lot of challenges…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback

Entrepreneurship learnings

by Filip Gruber (Singapore) I decided to take this course right after I got the letter of acceptance from SMU. I have a friend who…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback

My Learning Journey

by Ben Lew The past 13-14 weeks have been very fruitful for me. I'll be going through my final semester in about 1.5 months time…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback

What I’ve learnt in Technological Entrepreneurship: Opportunity Identification class

by Zaria Sulaiman (Singapore) When I bid for this class, my sole intention was to clear another module under technology & entrepreneurship. I came into…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback

Thirteen Weeks Later…

by Jeanie Chen Jiawen (Singapore) Just thirteen weeks ago, the mere thought of me being involved in setting up a business seemed laughable. I had…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback

Que sera sera, Will I be pretty, Will I be rich?

by jasmine lim (smu) I remember when at the age of 7 or 8, my mum asked me, “What do you want to be when…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback

Entrepreneurship 101

by Lin, Ming (SMU (exchange student) For me, it’s my first time to get the regular training of entrepreneurship from school. Before taking this course…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback

Designing an entrepreneur journey

by Clara Wong (Singapore) In my 3rd year of college study in SMU, I was looking through the courses in my major of business management…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback

Yearning for Learning – My TE Journey

by Sanjay Nair I must admit that I didn’t expect to learn so much from my 14 weeks of Technological Entrepreneurship class. As a typical…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback

Not an entrepreneur (yet)

by Rachel Tan (Rachel) My entrepreneurial journey only truly began when I reached university. Before that, I spent a good few years believing that walking…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback

Let’s dare to dream again…

by Sim Kok Boon First of all, I would like to say that I’m really thankful and privileged to be part of this entrepreneurship class.…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback

Action – When you are Hungry and Thirsty Enough for it.

by Ong Han Ying (Singapore) While many people like to define entrepreneurship, I always thought that entrepreneurship can only be defined by "action". When you…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback

What I Think About MGMT324?

by Nur Syahidah Alim (Singapore) I’ve taken a similar course, like MGMT 324, during polytechnic. So, when I decided to take Technological Entrepreneurship: Opportunity Identification during the…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback


by Jonathan Murat Guenak, Peter Maximilian Wibbe, Moritz Stegers, Frederic Rupprecht (Singapore) Youstamp Team Youstamp is a revolutionizing IT-Startup of 4 German exchange students from…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback


Adyourface is a Singapore-based start-up that provides an online advertising platform where consumers would go to get the latest happenings in Singapore (e.g. New Sale,…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback

MakanBuddy: A Social Dining Network

by Jerome Ng | Amanda Chua | Shawn Leong | Marcus Wong | Leonard Belot | Lee Jia Wei (Singapore; France) MakanBuddy is an online…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback


The concept of Yumbox started during a brainstorming session by a group of entrepreneurial SMU students who enjoy trying out gourmet food and reading food…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback


by Lim Zi Rong, Clarine Lim, Div Teng, Qing Yuan, Kenneth Oh, Nazmul, Amy Phuah & Nandita (SMU) There’s an event you wanna host,…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback

the Pod

by Lee Meng Yong, Stacie Henson, Jacqueline Quek, Axel Fey, Rachel Tay, Xu Zhaoxi, Tan Jun Liang (Singapore) Located at the heart of town…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback


by Shuo Xian, Zi Hao, Wilson, Melvin, Yi Xin, Hee Chuan, Amelia uVive Private Limited Founded by a team of diverse Singapore Management University (SMU)…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback


by Ken Chang Yuan Shao (Singapore) Our Story Scene #1 – Crisis: Episode with Co-founder – Early on, there was a disagreement among the partners…
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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback

A Drop of Honey

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May 27, 2014 in Student Feedback


by Melvin Tiong, Jay Bheda, Randall Wong, Jurane Solano, Goh Jiawen, Jacqueline Sng, & Salvin Sim (Singapore) Buying advertisement space in top magazines, billboards in…
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May 26, 2014 in Student Feedback

Shoko Hirata

by Shoko Hirata (Tokyo Japan) I enjoyed very much from this course; Technological Entrepreneurship.Because I got three big elements for doing business by myself. First,…
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May 26, 2014 in Student Feedback

FiNK-ing about it…

by Cai Xihao (Singapore) 4th Year, Last term, unrelated module to my course of study. Sounds like a great recipe for slacking and be a…
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May 26, 2014 in Student Feedback

“With this, you will never have to work again!”

by Edmund Tan I first heard about this course from friends who took it last semester. As this course did not fulfil any credits for…
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May 26, 2014 in Student Feedback

Can I Pop Art You ? – Bevan Tan Jun Ming

by Tan Jun Ming, Bevan (SIngapore) Writing this journal was a lot harder than I thought it was. Squeezing what I have learn for 12…
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May 26, 2014 in Student Feedback

Entrepreneurial Aspirations

by Yee Choon Kit (Singapore) Honestly speaking, I have never welcomed the idea of working for someone or for a company. Firstly, there are just…
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May 26, 2014 in Student Feedback

Learning Journal of Entrepreneurial – Breaking through the conventional mindset

by Joel Boh Zewen (Singapore SMU ) Entrepreneurship is an essential quality in every business venture. It is not the mere know how but it…
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