by Jerome Ng | Amanda Chua | Shawn Leong | Marcus Wong | Leonard Belot | Lee Jia Wei (Singapore; France)

MakanBuddy is an online social dining platform for meeting new people or organizing group meals. MakanBuddy will partner with cafes, restaurants and zi char stalls (for a local flavour) to facilitate group meals and meet-ups for our users.
Our Target
As a platform for meeting new people, our primary target market of Sociables – working adults between the ages of 22 to 34 would find such a service useful since most of their social circle is generally limited to their colleagues. Our secondary group includes expatriates who may not have many friends in the country as well as university students who would be keen to meet experts of similar interests.
As a platform for organizing group meals, we will be targeting meet-ups with celebrities, politicians and others who champion a cause.
Our Product
MakanBuddy is a movement toward making friends over food.
We are a platform that enables users to meet new people and enjoy group meal discounts for customized menus. Users will get the opportunity to meet celebrities, politicians and individuals who champion a worthy cause. Besides expanding their social circles, users also get to explore new restaurants and enjoy a variety of food not otherwise offered by partner restaurants. It’s simply all about great food, making great friends, and most importantly, a whole new way to take on the real social experience.
For partner restaurants, it is a great way to get your name out there. Let MakanBuddy bring customers to you on your terms. Everybody wins. Join us today!
Our Financials
The market and financial analyses indicate that with a start-up expenditure of $50,000, MakanBuddy can generate over $18,000 in sales by year one and over a million in sales by the end of year three. Profitability will be reached by year two.