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Student Feedback

By May 27, 2020July 6th, 2020No Comments2 min read

by Lin Jun Jie Larry | Akash Gurung | Toh Yong Yeow| John Goh Ho Yee (Singapore)


Being potential groom wannabes, we at understand the pain that many users are facing, in terms of searching for information about weddings. Users are often forced to navigate through multiple sites in search for information relating to weddings. Also, we feel that vendors are often overcharged when the only coverage that conventional wedding sites provide their users are merely confined within the advertisement space on their websites. is a one stop portal for users to find all information relating to wedding. Also, with our innovation tools such as the wedding planner and wedding budget calculator, users are able to get a better status and feedback about the progress and budget of their wedding. Vendors are also able to leverage on our company’s technical expertise in the area of SEO optimization to gain greater exposure, giving them an edge over their competitors.


Weddings are the start of every couple’s happiness, while planning marks the start of much unhappiness. With, planning for your wedding couldn’t be any simpler. At, we provide users with a one stop portal to search for all wedding-related information. Also, with our wedding planner and budget calculation tool, users are able to get an overview of their wedding status and budget. By joining us as a premium advertisers, merchants not only get an customizable advertisement space of their own, they are also leveraging on our SEO expertise to gain greater bang for their buck, giving them greater exposure and wider coverage.

Visit us at, the one stop wedding portal for all your wedding needs!

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