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Student Feedback


By May 27, 2014July 7th, 2020No Comments2 min read

by Lim Zi Rong, Clarine Lim, Div Teng, Qing Yuan, Kenneth Oh, Nazmul, Amy Phuah & Nandita (SMU)

There’s an event you wanna host, who do you go to?
Well, the answer is not “Ghostbusters.” (Though, It is one of our theme packages.)

Welcome to the future of birthday planning!
Parti, brings to the Singaporean community a breath of fresh air for your birthday planning requirements. By combining old-fashioned values, providing extra mile synchronised event planning services and themes with an unbeatable “feel”, Parti revolutionizes your birthday experiences.
Parti specialises in parties for anyone and everyone from age 0 to 16 and onwards. We bring you convenience, cost savings, highly theme based birthday party and most importantly, that ease of mind where you know your birthday will flow flawlessly.

“People don’t care how much we know until they know how much we care.”
~ Dale Carnegie, American self-improvement guru.

Every call to us is designed to understand what your needs are and what you want to make your event awesome. To sum it up, our attitude to “seek not to give what clients ask for but what they really want” allows us to deliver quality birthday packages, customised to your very own specific needs.

Started out as a partnership between Div Teng and Lim Zi Rong, two serial entrepreneurs from SMU, Parti represents their continual commitment to making the events scene even livelier. While the duo with their energy has infected many others with their passion, their impact has been well chronicled on various media channels. Coming from humble backgrounds, Div & Zi rong believe in walking the talk too. They seek to hire students who need extra income to support their family, but never compromising quality delivered to the clients.

We offer a large array of packages and services specially tailored to any of your needs, so please feel free to contact any of our business representatives for more information.
Make every Parti you have, awesome.

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