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By May 2, 2020July 7th, 2020No Comments3 min read

Patrick Liew – The Heart of Love from a listed company

While most entrepreneurs are driven by profit, Mr Patrick Liew is driven by his love for people. It is this love that Mr Liew has for people that led him to achieve the success that he has today.

Little Patrick Liew

At the age of 17, Mr Liew wanted to be a social worker as he sought to improve the quality of life in the society. However, he realized he has to first achieve financial success to be in a more favourable position to help others. He started off as a sales person, climbed the corporate ladder and later became a regional sales manager of another company. In 1992, he ‘sacked’ his boss after having an epiphany to set up his own company.

Today, Mr Liew is a chairman and CEO of HSR Global Ltd, a publicly-listed company on Singapore Exchange. HSR predominantly deals with real estate that provides a full range of services to service investors of property. Mr Liew is also a founder of another company called Success Resources. The company is the largest seminar organizer in Asia and a major shareholder of a company that is listed on the Australia Stock Exchange. He established an e-learning company which was rated by Deloitte and Touche as the 11th fastest growing technology company.

Information Technology (IT) is intricately weaved into the business operations of HSR. Mr Liew believes that technology has to be pervasive in businesses as it is a game changer, capable of shaping, moulding and influencing a business model. HSR adopts business operations such that it is technology-driven, information-based, and knowledge-oriented. He believes in using the cutting edge technology and have even benchmarked themselves with IT companies. HSR’s IT department is graded to PEC standards and ISO9001 standards. It has also competed in many competitions and won more than 5 IT awards, such as Infocomm Singapore Award 2008 and National Infocomm Awards 2008.

The Philanthropic Liew

Mr Liew is no ordinary entrepreneur. Even after achieving success in his career, he has not forgotten about the mission he had when he was 17. Currently, he is actively involved in supporting humanitarian, philanthropic and charity causes. He has helped to organise many social missions. And in the process, helped to set four national records in the “Singapore Books Of Records”. Mr Liew also won the “Entrepreneur Of the Year Award For Social Contribution”, the Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Award, and six other business awards.

It is by no chance that Mr Liew is able to achieve so many awards to date. All these awards are the end result of the love that he has for others. What a truly inspirational entrepreneur indeed!

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