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Student Feedback

Shoko Hirata

By May 26, 2014July 7th, 2020No Comments2 min read

by Shoko Hirata (Tokyo Japan)

I enjoyed very much from this course; Technological Entrepreneurship.
Because I got three big elements for doing business by myself.

First, I learned a practical business plan.
I am a year three student and I have learned marketing and strategy before.
Hence, I supposed to know some tools for making business plan.
However, when we are thinking about our company’s real business plan,
any ideas did not come up with my head.
It was because I was just reading and remembering some theories only for exam and I already forgot it.But in this course, I had to make business plan in a real market, so I searched practical information a lot and did a productive meeting. Then finally, I learned how to make a business plan using the theory what I have learned before.

Second, I learned a big thing. It is a secret of entrepreneurs.
I found that they do not think, just do it.
In my group meeting, we did not think, we talked and planed that’s it.
we planed in a most productive way and did not have time to worry.
It is a secret of successful business person.

Third, I got a courage from this course.
To tell the truth, when i came to this course for the first time, I was thinking about whether should I drop this course or not. Because I am an exchange student from Japan and this course supposed to only for matured business students in SMU. Therefore to continue this course was one of the challenges for me.
But actually in this course, I found so many companions who wants to do business by themselves and further more, not only students but also I could meet real entrepreneurs such as Dr.Ting.
He gave us a word that”In process, you might feel lonely, but you are not alone in this world.”
From this world, I felt that there are so many entrepreneurs in the world who wants to change the society, the world,even though they do it only by himself. This courage is very respectable because it means entrepreneurs are challenging for themselves as well as business.
I like this kind of independent people.They have a real courage.
Fortunately, in this course I could get a courage by my companion and of course from the prof.

At the same time,I found my objectives.
I am lacking of the knowledge of finance, the speed of searching info,technology and experiences.

I will bring whole of my experiences to Japan, study 2 more years and I will manage a company.

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