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STUDENTS Entrepreneur Showcase

By May 9, 2020July 6th, 2020No Comments1 min read

Students who just plucked up courage and started their businesses

The content you will see here is a entrepreneur showcase for my current and former students. I hope it will serve as an encouragement to you into making the right decision about putting your ideas into actions.

Not ready to start your business?  Why would you be unless you get yourself ready. No one else should be more anxious than you to equip yourself. Make a decision to start equipping yourself today.

Entrepreneurship, like everything else in life, is not about making the right decisions. It is about righting each decision. Be bold enough to bite some bullets (like start up a venture, take on a new market, employ a new CEO) and then move on, don’t look back. Decide you’ll never regret. Then, infuse the new attempt with passion. You will succeed.

As a result of my constant nagging, some of my students did exactly that. Read these case studies. I don’t know how much I have helped or influenced these entrepreneurs, but I’m glad they were in my class before their venture started.These courageous people are the reasons my work is worth the while.

You may also read about student startups from class here.

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