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Student Feedback

UniSim Technology Entrepreneurship Executive Masters

By May 21, 2020July 6th, 2020No Comments2 min read

by Ong C S Gabriel (Singapore)

This module which is about Managing Joint Ventures, Strategic Alliances and Technological Collaborations is one of the best module in the TEN program I have gone through so far. Pamela provided the class with many good tips and details that we need to pay attention to during joint venture and strategic alliance. The break-out sessions are as usual interesting and entertaining with everyone of us chipping in various points of view. As a business owner, the key to success is not just about running your operation well and getting the business in. Equally important is how do you protect yourself from future potential take overs, joint ventures and strategic alliance. The sessions have provided a lot of insights to entrepreneur on how to navigate through the pitfalls of joint-venture and strategic alliance. I am sure my classmates that are “towkay” and bosses will find the sessions very enriching for their business. Pamela was very engaging and always sharing her experience and ideas. She even imparted some very useful tips on IPO, character traits of VCs and setting up of companies which are all very interesting topics. When I brief shared with her my business ideas, she provided me with very good advice and a lot of food for thought.I came away with more confident on the subject matters and hopefully in times to come I will be able to put what I have learnt into good use. Despite some hiccups on the logistical arrangement for our tea-breaks and lunch during the last weekend, I thoroughly enjoy this module. Thank you Pamela.

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